At the membership class, you will hear the story of our church, learn our beliefs, values, mission and vision and you will have a chance to ask questions about The Well.
Childcare is available! Sign up to let us know you are coming!
Youth Camp is for students who are finished with 6th-12th grade. We would love for you student to join us. The cost is $275 but there are scholarships available to help! We don't want money to keep your child from joining us for a week of learning about the Lord! Click here or the image above to sign up!
VBS is a great time for kids to spend time learning about God's love for them and to have fun with friends, new and old. VBS is for students entering pre-k through 6th grade. Register your child here. If you want to volunteer, signup here. For more info about VBS visit our VBS Page!
We want to continue cultivating a community that devotes itself to prayer. We want to be a people who seek God and pursue his presence and power for the renewal of all things. Join us in the Prayer Room each Monday night at 7 p.m. text 'twcmustang' to 97000 to receive updates about the Prayer Room, including location details.
This is a great way to stay informed about what is going on at our church. Text 'twcmustang' to 97000 and you will get regular updates!
Weekly Events
Community Groups are small groups that meet in homes. They are a place of encouragement, growth, and belonging. They are essential to the life of our church. If you are not a part of a Community Group, we would love to help you get connected. Click the image for more info!
Serve Teams are tangible ways for us to love one another. We have several TEAMS that serve on Sundays. We invite you to join the TEAM so that we can provide gospel ministry to all who gather with us. Click the image to sign up for a team.
Are you new to The Well Church? We would love to get to know you and help you get plugged in! Click the image for more info!
Have a prayer request? We would love to pray for you! Text your prayer request to 97000 OR click the image to fill out the form. We will send your request to our prayer team and they would be honored to pray for you!
If you are a member or regular attender of The Well Church, we ask that you would partner with us in giving. If you have any questions related to church finances or what God's Word says about giving, please feel free to reach out to us at To give, click the image! Thank you for partnering with us!