Live as Citizens
August 7, 2022 Speaker: Stephen Myers Series: A Life of Joy
Topic: Public Witness Passage: Philippians 1:27
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Our salvation, our hope is not based on our ability to follow rules and regulations. Our hope is what we have and that is a relationship with the risen Christ. Who died for us and gave us His righteousness. However, the relationship ought to regulate how we live.
Healthy relationships have safeguards, and the way you live as followers of Jesus matters to God.
A call to live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ is a call to put away what is earthly in us. Paul is not asking us to walk into bondage but he is exhorting us to walk in real freedom and joy. We are being called to live as citizens.
If you are in Christ, you are first and foremost, a citizen of Heaven, ruled by Christ whose greatest allegiance is to the King and the Kingdom.
Don't hear what Paul is saying as works-based salvation. He is not saying we have to be worthy of salvation. Rather, the manner of life we are called to is a response to what God has done for us in Christ.
What is the gospel?
It is the announcement that by faith in Jesus, through His death, burial, and resurrection we can experience the rule and reign of God in our lives as we await the return of Jesus when He will make all things new and the kingdom will be established here on earth forever.
If you feel the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart and calling you to surrender to Christ we would love to talk with you about that.
Paul thanks the Philippian church for partnering with him for the gospel but in this verse he is telling them there is something missing still.
He calls them to let the way that they adorn the gospel.
What does it look like for you, as a follower of Jesus, to adorn the gospel?
Would your neighbor, coworker, or Netflix watch history be surprised to find out you are a follower of Jesus?
The only way that we can live a life that adorns the gospel is by completely surrendering to Him. To repent every day and say "my life is Yours".
God is inviting you to a new way of life. One that is marked by surrender and His grace.
How to live our lives in a manner worthy of the gospel.
1. Pause to understand that this verse is in the bible to deepen our joy.
2. A Rule of Life is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy lives for us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.
3. A word of grace: When the enemy or your own heart betrays you and says you aren't worthy. Jesus is saying you belong to Him. You are no longer a slave to sin, you are a child of God and it is because of His grace that you are worthy.
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